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Now Open for Enrollment: Cancer Trauma Digital Program


Navigating the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis can be one of the most challenging journeys one can face. The emotional and psychological scars can linger long after the physical battle is won. Recognizing the profound need for comprehensive, and sometimes self-paced, healing I am excited...

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I created a Book Trailer and Officially Published my Book!!!


My very first book, No Baby Pigeons - Navigating Cancer through Thought Wellness is OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED!!!  

After more than a year of pouring out my heart and soul into my very first book, I am so proud to yell out from the roof tops - IT IS PUBLISHED!!! 

Be sure to...

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The Value of Investing in a Cancer Coach

The Critical Role of a Cancer Coach in Your Healing Journey

Cancer is not only a physical challenge but also an emotional and psychological marathon. For those navigating this path, the support of a cancer coach can be immensely beneficial. Here's a deeper look into the value of investing in a...

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Welcome to Farr from Fear - Cancer Trauma Coaching

Welcome to Farr from Fear

Welcome to the Farr from Fear cancer coaching space! I'm Jenn Farr, your Cancer trauma coach. Let me share a bit about myself and how I can support your journey.

My Cancer Journey Begins - ReVeal my Story

It all started in 2012 when I discovered a lump on my left...

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Healing in Revealing your Cancer Story

There's healing in revealing your cancer journey and acknowledging the emotions that surface, even the dark ones. 

My ReVeal

My cancer journey began unexpectedly in October 2012, with a diagnosis that turned my world upside down. The initial diagnosis led to a double mastectomy...

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